Intro: Welcome to our website called Charlatan hunters. We are a group of people from Slovakia and Czech republic who hate charlatans and their pseudoscience. The internet is full of them and we are here to debunk their nonsense and…

Intro: Welcome to our website called Charlatan hunters. We are a group of people from Slovakia and Czech republic who hate charlatans and their pseudoscience. The internet is full of them and we are here to debunk their nonsense and…
Druhého januára naši obľúbenci z na svojej facebookovej stránke zdieľali príspevok s desiatimi „klamstvami“ alebo „podvodmi“ medicíny. Vzhľadom na absurdnosť ich „odhalení“ si dovoľujem trochu tieto tvrdenia uviesť na pravú mieru. V nasledujúcom texte budú uvedené citácie z ich…